November 11, 2022

Why use a ready Google Sheets API Connector

Google Sheets are Easy

Google sheets are the ‘go-to’ application for many businesses. It is used for data processing, analysis, tabulation, and presentation. There are many use cases for google sheets when it comes to business. Marketing teams use it to collect leads or track campaigns, plan content.. Sales teams use it to track their deals, invoices, and keep track of their quota. Customer support teams use it to track various tickets and follow-ups. The use cases are endless, to be frank! 

But pulling data or collecting data on every action into google sheets and then processing it or building dashboards or putting data back from google sheets to other systems can be tedious.

To overcome these challenges, Google sheets APIs are a go-to solution for many developers. With Google Sheets API, you can read and write spreadsheet data and as well as automate repetitive tasks.

However, there are many more ways to use Google Sheets API than just accessing data from spreadsheets. Many businesses look to build applications on Google Sheets API that helps them interact with google sheets more efficiently and meaningfully.

That’s where DronaHQ comes in, with ready Google Sheets connector and over 100+ pre-built UI components, to build custom applications, dashboards, admin panels, or workflows in minutes on Google Sheets API. 

In this article we go over the advantages of a ready Google Sheets API connector for your business.

Google Sheets API

Google spreadsheets are great, but Google Sheets API takes things to the next level.

The Google Sheets API is an excellent way for developers to access and manipulate data stored in Google Sheets. Using the API, they can add, edit, and delete data in Google Sheets, as well as query data from Google Sheets. Also, the Google Sheets API lets them build custom applications that work with the data stored in the popular spreadsheet application, Google Sheets. It is also possible to create custom applications that automate repetitive tasks or perform complex analyses based on the data stored in the spreadsheet. Import data from any source, automate low-value tasks, and build & integrate Google Sheets with other apps.

Using the Google Sheets API 

There are two ways to connect your application with the Google Sheets API. You can do this yourself by coding, or you can use a low code tool that can help you do it instead. So which one should you choose? 

Code it yourself: 

The Google Sheets APIs are already available, but they are too complex to use, the documentation is complex, and the configuration process takes too much time. The average user will not be able to use these APIs effectively, and even experienced developers will find the process to be unnecessarily complicated. 

If you know your way around code, you will have full control over the programming and can add your own flare and use the API to the fullest extent. But this could take a lot of time and may end up being more work than it’s worth. 

Use ready API connector:

With this option, you can use a tool specifically made to help you through the process. This can be a good choice if you have never worked with the Google Sheets API before, or if you are not a regular coder but still need to use it regularly. Using Google sheets API with modern tools like DronaHQ, or Zapier is super easy. They provide a ready connector with a user friendly interface that reduces a lot of development time. This makes it an ideal solution for quickly build a custom frontend on top of Google Sheets and integrate Google Sheets with other applications.

Build custom apps using Google Sheets API connector using a drag-drop interface

Yes, Google Sheets is a powerful spreadsheet application that can be used for storing, analyzing, and sharing data. But have you ever wondered how you can make a CRM application for the sales team or an analytics dashboard for the marketing team on Google Sheets API? Working with APIs is tricky. In addition to comprehending complex documentation, you need to ensure you are securely connecting two systems. Ready connectors on the other hand take care of all the boilerplate elements.

Why Google Sheets API Connector? 

With a plug and play like experience, you can import data directly to your spreadsheet or pull data from it! Contrary to Google Sheets API configuration, connectors cut down the number of steps and lines of code needed to allow a free flow of data to-from Google Sheets and your other apps in a secure fashion.

Well, just connect your Google Sheets with DronaHQ’s ready connector, and  drag and drop  pre-built powerful UI components like charts, graphs, action buttons, text input, and many more to build custom applications.  Like lead management, order management, and frontend for inventory management and save a lot of your development hours and increase your productivity. 

1. The Google Sheets API Connector is reliable, glitch-free, and ready-to-go.

2. The ready API connector allows for easy automation of pushing and pulling data to and from Google Sheets to a custom internal tool like monitoring tools for SEO, sales dashboard for lead management, CRUD tool for inventory. Set triggers to pull from APIs at hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly intervals.

3. The connector lets users turn spreadsheet cells into variables that can be further used in excel-like formulas, achieve dynamic UI capabilities, pre-fill form fields, etc.

4. The ready connector cuts down the coding required to configure the API connection, speeding up API integration with Google Sheets. It opens up a great deal of opportunities without the need to invest in expensive BI or ETL tools.

5. The Google Sheets API Connector is the easiest and fastest way to create frontend tools for internal operations. By pairing it with custom data collection form, you can instantly push all the submission to the database

6. The data coming from Google Sheets API connector can be stored into pre-built UI controls like tablegrid, text input, dropdown and many more. Then a custom frontend with tasks automation can be quickly built on top of all these.  

 7. Ready connectors to other databases and SaaS apps allow to integrate and join Google Sheets data with other sources such as Shopify, Stripe, Zendesk, HubSpot, Salesforce, MongoDB, and much more. It instantly makes it easy to view and manage data from multiple data sources in a single place. No manual exports, custom scripts, or expensive data warehouse required.

8. Ready connectors come with a bunch of ready actions it supports such as fetch row, update row, update cell, etc. Documentation and tutorials

Perform powerful operations on top of Google Sheets with DronaHQ

DronaHQ makes it possible to quickly and easily perform essential actions on top of your google sheets data. 

For example, If you work in sales, you know that staying organized and keeping track of your leads is essential to success. With a Google Sheet, you can easily see all of your leads in one place, and even send them personalized emails with just a few clicks. This can help you stay on top of your sales goals and stay organized throughout the sales process.

With DronaHQ’s ready to use Google Sheets API Connector, you get to perform essential functions like:

1. Get All Rows: 

This action will return all rows from the specified table that match the given criteria.

2. Find Rows:

This will allow you to specify the criteria you are looking for and will return all rows that match those criteria.

3. Add New Row:

The Add Rows action can be used to add new rows to the sheet. This action allows you to specify the number of rows to add, as well as the position at which to insert them.

4. Update Row:

This action will allow you to update a row in your Google Sheet, based on the data you specify in action.

5. Add Multiple Rows:

This action allows you to quickly add multiple rows to your Google Sheets at once.

6. Clear Row:

With this action, you can quickly delete specific rows from your google sheets database.

In demand tools that can be built quickly on Google Sheets API with DronaHQ:

Lead management tool:

DronaHQ can help you collect and store leads from an event, webinar, survey, or website to your Google Sheets by connecting google sheets API with DronaHQ. This will allow you to keep track of your leads in one place and follow up with them more easily.

Order management tool:

Manage your deliveries, vendors, receivables, inventories and more using google sheets API with DronaHQ and automate your business operations. 

Inventory management tool:

You certainly have a team who relies on Google Sheets to keep inventory, whether it be for managing your grocery store inventory or the inventory in your office pantry. DronaHQ can help you carry out fundamental CRUD operations so you don’t have to worry about your team unintentionally deleting rows or changing the wrong columns. 


Now you know how to get started with Google Sheets API. With DronaHQ, which comes with a set of pre-built components you can easily connect Google sheets and build custom applications for your business. 

So what are you waiting for? Head to the DronaHQ and get started!

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